Health Safety And Environment Policy (HSE)

Kainatt Enterprises (Pvt.) Ltd Health, Safety and Environment policy is to provide to all our clients, employees and sub-contractors a safe place to work. We are determined to provide requisite resources to achieve that object. HSE is an integral component of our planning and execution of every project

Safety, Health and Environment protection (HSE) has always been of foremost importance in Kainatt policies. We firmly believe that quality of work and HSE go hand in hand and we do all that is required to achieve this objective. Our senior managers develop goals and continuously evaluate progress toward those goals. Health and Safety professionals work with operations personnel throughout all phases of each project to ensure the quality and protectiveness of the project-specific safety program.

The success of Health Safety and Environment policy an Incident and Injury Free environment through individual commitment to the safety and well-being of each other and our clients.


  1. Employees are investigated for any contagious disease.
  2. There is a comprehensive health insurance scheme for all permanent staff.
  3. First aid services with trained personnel are available at major sites.
  4. Regular inspection is made to observe hygienic conditions at site.

Insecticide spray is done at labour accommodations regularly. Temporary toilets at site are constructed with standard hygiene system


  • safety officer is assigned at site to keep an eye on hazardous conditions and develop safety awareness down to the workers level.
  • All site staff is fully aware of safety procedures and they also train the workers to observe the safety procedures, while at work.
  • Safety audits are conducted to check the effectiveness of safety program.
  • Hazardous materials are separately and carefully stored.
  • Safety signs are installed at appropriate locations.
  • Project Safety Plan is prepared & issued to individual sites.

Environmental Protection

Project manager identifies and determine the work environment related to facilities, equipment and information system needed to achieve conformity to product requirements and enhance work efficiency, and may control to change, if necessary.

  • Kainatt is fully aware of “Green Peace Movement” and actively participates in preservation of environment by taking necessary steps.
  • All fuel dependent machinery are calibrated and maintained in good order to reduce smoke emission.
  • Adequate temporary sanitary facilities are provided at site to avoid hazardous wastes. Soak pits, septic tanks are constructed and sewage is disposed off safely.
  • Use of hazardous material to generate fire is prohibited at site.
  • Cutting of trees is avoided as far as possible.
  • Termite protection is practiced wherever needed.
  • Barriers and coverings are used to control dust and fumes from spreading.
  • The water from dewatering is disposed off through public drains if allowed, otherwise stored in sumps and transported out in water tankers.